Why As A Senior Do I Have To Pay Required Minimum Distribution(RMD)

Why a year after I reach the age of sevety and a half, I have to start liquidating my tax free retirement investments? Four per cent the first year does not seem like much, but it keeps going up untill there is hardly any of my tax free investments left, and on top of that if I need to seek out information from my stock broker, I know have to pay a monthy charge(one percent of my account). Add this with medicare coverage, it can amount to half of my social security. Fortunately now I am still on my wife’s health insurace, and I refuse to pay for having a stock broker. You would President Trump who has start liquidifying his investment accounts, would make it easier for us seniors.

It’s hard enough trying to make ends neat, but why is our governmet making so hard for us to survive, or maybe they don’t, they probably figured ot if we die earlier they can save a lot of money.