When and where do finally realize that the passion, the career, the friends(have to change and yet the journey I wanted has come to an end HAS TO STOP. It’s has been almost two years and I tried desparately to stay in the Photo industry. My fundraising efforts taught me how to network to high profile(corporate) executives, and being a sales representative does not cut it unless I can make a pay check and put as they say put food on the table. I tried to help a friend to got to Nasville and start a band, and was on a band wagon to try help some one win a talent show. It was a great experience and yet I will never stop helping these people but now I have to face the reality tha I am disabled(Cereabral Palsy) and need to figure out a way to make enough money so my wife(who has Polio) can also stop working.
This week end,I attended a Summit (with my wife) or call it a convention of over two thousand of our associates and wasable share our experiences on how life’s financial journey can be so challeging and difficult for most of us in this country. When you are young have a good job you don’t realize that the party can come to an end when you get older and even worst like me you get a PINK slip on News Years Eve can be so devastating.
I wished someone would of told me that in my residing state I can pre-licensed in just one day, and be in an industry that enables me to be able to help myself and my family members, and as an added BONUS have my own buisness with (a beautiful buisness card),, become my own Boss, cannot be fired (Canned), and the Parent company I am associated with has over $480 Billions in assests and guest what it’s a multi-trillion dollar industry. What a company, they reward you with rings and trips all over the world and want to supportyou as a family.
Wow I have been paying my auto insurance for over forty years, and never has my agent ever offered me a chance to join their company. Many of the people I met at this summit makes over $500,000.00 a year and at first couldn’t even speak ENGLISH. We have engineers, lawyers, doctors, cab owners, and even an Elvis impersonator who realized our company can give us so many rewards.
All my life I have have bee taking photos, selling cameras, meeting great photographers.
I never just stopped and look at my photo(life picture album). Pretty but no happy last page.
As I see myself taking more photos with my cell phone camera I see that the hardest part of my journey is to accept the fact it’s about time to help people with building their financial foundation, introduce them to how they can have a profession that rivals the incomes of many doctors and lawyers, and get an education that does not tqke twenty years to pay back,
I guess you figured out what the decision I need, want, and have to make. Give me a call and join me and together we can make a difference for those thousand’s of the potential PINK SLIPPERS who were once lost like me.
Howard Silvers