My two year journey has taken me to some great job fairs. It gave me a chance to talk to some great recruiters about their companies and hopefully I might find that JOB I wish I could have. The true reality it’s not going to happen. The jobs that they are offering are mostly commission base or quite lower entry to say the least. The IBM’S and Google’s have been replaced by the burgers and furniture stores, still not worth four years of college? However, I always wonder who were the people who actually landed a job from these job fairs? It would be nice if there was some kind of display at these fairs of the actual people who actually got a Real job by attending.
I can say that job fairs are certainly a good testing ground to satisfy State of Illinois for
receiving my unemployment benefits and to get me out of the house.
I always dread December, the last month of the year when you hear about the horrendous firings like what will be happening to the some 6,000 employees at the Dominick food stores. Hopefully another food store change (Mariano) can purchase of these stores and put at least a thousand or two back to work. I was in photo retail for over four decades and many of times I had to bite my tongue for some of the things my customers expected me to do. Well I hope tomorrow’s job fair I can can introduce many of the soon to be unemployed Dominick workers to a game changer that will take them to a multi-trillion dollar industry and their new employer has over 480 billion dollars in assets. Don’t have to spend thousand of dollars going back o school, and they will be able to get pre-licensed in one day and
soon to have their own business. Oh yeah, I am not going to tell you the name of this company or the nature of it’s business, it has to be surprised. The one thing I will tell you,
just look at your next job fair as a place where you might be the fairest one at the fair.
————————Hope to hear from you, call me at 630-202-1979,—————————–