As I came home to my blog, I realized that I never defined what I expected to be the final destination of my journey, or does it really mattered ? I see now that I have been very fortunate to have a devoted wife that has been, and supported me in some difficult times. I don’t think I would of endured so much pain as I suffered through three hip reconstruction surgeries without her love and much needed support. I feel so disappointed that in the last three years of helping others with their missions, projects or journeys I was unable to generate Any additional income that would made possible for my wife to be able to retire. With her having been stricken with polio at the very young age of six years old and myself being born with cerebral palsy I feel that I certainly let her down.
Hey my journey is not about you feeling sorry for me but to experience and learn from the steps of learning I discovered that I never knew or learned what the later years of my life can offer me. Never in my right mind would I think I would be entering a digital world that would able me to be able to reach out to millions of people and also to be able make thousands of photographs, and not have to worry that after I die that maybe someone might be very fortunate to find my negatives in some storage locker.(Vivian Maier) There is so much to do, and it is a matter of having the ample time to be able to enjoy and share it with so many of you.
So what is this journey I am trying to explain you the readers of my are just is. It is my opportunity to focus on what is going to make me healthy, discovering the world but never had the time to prioritize what I wanted to pursue, being able to have to be financially dependent on where my next pay check be coming from, and being able to define my spirituality with my lifetime partner, Teresita Silvers.
Maybe in the beginning of my life(College}, I never asked myself as I am able to do now, what do I expect to find in my journey, or am I just tired like so many that have lost their jobs and say that they are just retired. For me it will be able to share my journey on my blog. Please email me at, if you would like to me a guest blogger. There is plenty of room for us howiemauiers.