On your last night in the White House, the last of eight years, I want to thank you for making my retirement, my financial foundation, one that, and mindset that will help me in my final journey. After the attacks of September 11, 2001, I never thought our country could ever recover. Fortunately we were able to show the world our tenacity and commitment for a better world. You inherit a United State that was in a financial shambles, high interest rates, falling economy, and millions of Americans losing their homes and jobs.
her stockYou President Obama, did the impossible, kill Bin Laden, lowered interest rates, get more people working, brought back a higher stock market, did not touch our precious social security, and mostly, make health care available. Unbelievable, when you had a Republican party who wanted you to be just a one term president. You proved them wrong.
What I will remember most, is that you kept your cool, Your family were a great First Family. Michelle, set a wonderful example, stressing the importance of both education, and eating the proper foods to stay healthy.
If there was ever a president to serve his third term, IT WAS TOU.
Tomorrow, will bring in our next POTUS, Donald J. Trump, hopefully he will learn from your eight years.