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Congratulations To President Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton.

I am glad that I reached my seventieth birthday(October 22), to witness the election our first woman president,  Even though it was probably one of the dirtiest presidential fights in America’s history. It has showed me that our United States are not United as we should be, Donald Trump sure made that quite clear.  Who did he not insult, the disabled, Muslims, Hispanics, Women, Asians, and Native Americans. Perhaps he should have a new venture, a new deck of cards, all fifty two of them representing all of the people he has made fun of. What both our two presidential candidates didn’t realize that their are disabled  Americans like myself and my wife who are struggling to figure how to meet our financial  obligations. With all the debates about walls, defense, education, abortion, refugees, and taxes,  couldn’t they just talk about just asking us What Americans really need?

Madam President, I am sure that you will be my last President of The United States, and if you don’t mind if I can give you some of my suggestions?

A) Free medical care for our Veterans.

B) Social Security is not taxable.

C) Only one pension be allowed for our governmental officials.

D) Medicare for the disabled starts at the age of fifty-five.

E) Three hundred dollars a month will be allowed to be taken out of retirement accounts,(after ten years), subject to no taxes.

F) The murder of a Veteran is subject to Capital Punishment.

G) Equity loans cannot be subjected to having accelerating payments after ten years.

H) Let the Insurance companies compete with one another,

I) Legalize all drugs, and help those who are addicted.

J) Everyone pays their fair share of taxes, including religious institutions, hospitals, and charities.

K) Put a limit on the deduction, that can be taken of one’s income tax. Thank you, Donald Trump.

L) Better treatments and understandings of our FIRST Americans, Our Native Americans.

M) All Veterans will never have to go Homeless.

N) Term Limits for both our House of Representatives and Senators, perhaps, like the Madam President, Two Terms.

O) Tax Incentives for all hotels and restaurants of donating left over food and bottled water to our homeless missions.

P) All medications will be stored on a government national registry.

Q) A six month waiting period for all assault weapons, and a limit on the quantity of ammunition for each registered owner.

R) Bully Insurance, parents of bullies in our school system will be financially liable for their children actions.

S) Better regulations, in the time-share industry, owners should be guaranteed to get no less than fifty percent of their investment after three years of ownership from their time share sellers.

T) All insurance salesmen should have to go to school for at least three months, so they can pass national exam.

U) Refugees have to wait just like, all the rest of the people who wa entered the United States.

W) Lower corporate taxes, American companies can only incorporate in The United States.

Y) Congratulate our New 45th President of The United States, and let her make her mark on history.

Z) Mrs. Clinton was very gracious, after Donald Trump let the world know, that when he becomes president, that he would put Mrs, Clinton in prison! How about if President Clinton returns the favor.

It’s about time that Americans finally say to Donald Trump, “You Are Fired.” Go to jail, and you did not pass your goal.

Lets make America stronger, and support our new president. I want to hear your ideas, Oh yeah, President Clinton had to wait one week for her birthday present, Happy Birthday from

What I Have Learned On My 70th Birthday.

In less than three hours, I will find myself in a self-realization of making my presence on this planet Earth for seven decades, in a simpler explanation, I am seventy years old today. It was not an easy journey, since being born some six weeks premature, and only weighing an amazing two pounds and ten ounces. During that time, October 22nd, 1946, the only medical alternative for me was to spend the next three weeks of my life in an incubator, with too much oxygen flushing to my tiny lungs, in essence, I was to inherit an adjective that would haunt me for the rest of my life, I was now labeled as a victim of Cerebral Palsy, the oxygen damaged my brain, affected my hearing, ( 90% deaf), my waking, the growth of the rest of my body, and perhaps a bad case of BO. I don’t want this birthday posting as a feeling sorry for Howie day, but one of excitement, a celebration of a sense of accomplishments, insights, and sharing this blog, might help others in their own life. So here goes, seventy awarenesses that I won’t the room to list on my epitaph.

  1. I think I was born for a reason and a purpose. Many of times I have felt sorry for myself, endured much pain, but in all it has made me stronger, caring, and grateful to be alive.
  2. Having a belief in God, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, allowed me to accept the fact that I am a man of of moral convictions, with a belonging with others of my species. Since I don’t want to debate what others thinks what human existence should be, or might be, I just want to accept my own process in life.
  3. Just because I can think it, doesn’t mean I can be it. Sure I wish I was richer and healthier, but today is my celebration of acceptance. I cannot go back in time and re-live my life all over again.
  4. This is probably was the hardest realization that I had to live with. Forgive your parents for what they had and have not done. They are gone, and probably had more issues that they could not deal with.
  5. I am very grateful that I found my lifetime companion who also had to suffer with a physical disability. At times I have found myself feeling guilty that I have never made a lot of money, I literally worked to have good health insurance to pay for my many hip opperations.
  6. Being an only child, and wishing I could at least a couple of brothers and sisters to play with, I found myself wanting to be everybody’s friend. I have know now, even your relatives can be your worst enemy, especially when they ask to borrow money. There is no such thing, it becomes a gift, with no intention of ever getting paid back.
  7. Instead of wasting my hard earn money on lotto tickets, I learned how to make my money worth more. I use a lot of coupons, and I relish leftovers.
  8. My mom worked at Saks Fifth Ave, and always wanted to buy me and expensive sports jacket, I finally gave in, I have an $1800.00 Coach Bomber jacket that I probably wear a total of two weeks a year, I am a big fan of hand-me-downs, and garage sales.
  9. Being born with bad health, I can now tell you that my health has not gotten better by itself, if you want to know how old someone is, just ask them how many pills they take a day. I am not going to tell you how many pills I take a day, but it is one on of my daily routines that I really hate. It’s hard to believe that some sixty years ago, all I needed to do was to drink three glasses of milk a day and a one-a-day vitamin.
  10. Take advantage of your medical benefits, I really think my doctors want healthier patients, and I need to also realize that doctors are not mind readers, give them as much information that you can, family history, listing of your medications, and don’t hesitate of tell them how you feel. Blood tests and a daily medication routine has gotten me to my seventieth birthday,
  11. Over the years I was a soft drink addict, even though I own stock in Coke, I dread the fact that I would have to deal with diabetes, amputations, and blindness, I don’t even miss it any more.
  12. I have been very fortunate to have the friendship of Ronald G. Wayne, probably the unluckiest man on the planet, even though he was an owner of the Apple Computer Company for just twelve days, he has shown me thatI have to Accept the consequences of life. Mister Wayne is eighty-one years old and has written three books. If Steve Jobs who would listen to Mister Wayne about not going to India and getting sick, he probably not of died at the at the age of fifty-six.
  13. Steve Jobs taught me a lesson that if I applied it I would of saved a lot of money, and made my life simpler. If there is something cluttering my surroundings worth less than $25.00, it’s not worth having it around. Maybe I should reduce it to $ 5.00. If I have followed his advice,  and Idon’t want to tell  you on what I have spent my twenty five year storage locker, I don’t even know what I have in it, hopefully emptying it, will be my New Years resolution for 2017.
  14. I realize that the years of making daily pilgrimages to Chicago every day for a crappy job, cost me thousands and thousands of dollars of car repairs. I should of brought the cheapest new car, or even better a low paying car lease. Cars are like wearing a fake Rolex.
  15. Fo the last five years, I found the missing brothers and sisters that I so wanted on Facebook. I never thought that my high school buddies would be my extended family. I love them so much.
  16. Storage lockers, time shares, newspaper and magazine subscriptions, and lotto tickets have cost me tens of thousands of dollars. A warning to the young, you are going to wish you would of followed this old seventy year old man’s advice.
  17. Unless you have a big family to worry about, don’t worry about life insurance. Spend the premiums on yourself while you are Alive. Most likely the premiums will go up and you will eventually cancel the policy.
  18. Just because I spent four decades in one industry, it does not necessarily mean that they owed any favors or loyalty to me When the gig is up it’s time to go on to something else.
  19. Keep a daily diary. I find my self not remembering all the things I once thought I could, what bills I paid, people who I talked to, or in plain English what did do yesterday. I gotten myself a bunch of writing pads from the dollar store, a hole punch, and a couple of Franklin Covey notebooks on eBay, and have over five yearly volumes of my life that I can make reference too.
  20. Don’t think your stockbroker or even Warren Buffet are going to make you rich. Just invest into good companies, like the Dow 30, and leave it alone. There are just too many Monday night quarterbacks thinking they know what happening in the market.
  21. Unfortunately, not having a paying job, but fortunately having a good social security, and investments, I know that I have to scale down financially. It’s very important to know exactly what one’s monthly expenses are, and have at least have a six month reserve.
  22. I felt like Shit, when someone suggested that I should become a Walmart greeter. I am very pleased to my my own blog. Hopefully I can make my wife proud that one of my projects will be the financial answer to take her into retirement.
  23. There was a time when I did not know how to cut and paste, there are so many people of discovering the rewards of technology, cell phones, and computers. I was not much of a reader growing up. I did not like to go to the library and did not have the money to buy books. Now I start my day listening to the Wall Street Journal, and listening to aNew York Times Best Seller on either audible,com or are daily specials, and college courses  also available.)
  24. Even though I have some nice digital SLR cameras with great accompanying lenses, I am grateful to be able to use my cell phone camera to take photos every day, and then being able to have them stored in my DropBox. I don’t  want my photos have to be discovered in a storage locker as was the case with Vivian Maier. There are  so many photographers who think that they need a five thousand dollar camera to make a good picture. I have shot more photos on my cell phone than I have ever taken with all my film cameras.
  25. It’s two minutes after midnight, I am officially seventy years old, and I am going to bed. Hopefully I can list my projected 70 realizations. Good night everyone, I will see you tomorrow.
  26. Don’t wait until you are my age, 70 to decide that you need to live in a warmer climate. Do it when you are young enough to enjoy it, and it will be more affordable.
  27. When you join your alumni association, or in my case the Masons, it would of been so much cheaper in the long run to buy a one time life membership.
  28. Once you turn the age of 591/2, start taking out small withdrawals, lets say $300.00 a month less taxes out of you investments. It covers the groceries, or a couple of meals eat out every month.
  29. Invest in a good electric toothbrush and water flosser. Having two artificial hips, meant I have to get pre-medicated every time I get my teeth clean. Teeth maintenance ain’t cheap.
  30. If you like to collect valuables, start by collecting money and stocks and bonds.
  31. Here’s one by Mister Ronald G. Wayne(an original Apple Computer Company Founder), put at least ten per cent of your assets in precious metals(gold, silver). The world is printing too much money, that eventually will be worthless$$$.
  32. Sex is just a feeling, not a solution?
  33. Only you can make your feelings Hurt.
  34. Learn at least a second language, or discover a musical instrument.
  35. Be your own hero, don’t put yourself down or anyone else.
  36. Here is one, I never learned. Once you are fired fro a job, no matter how long you had it, treat it like a mosquito bite, Get Over It! It will probably be the best thing that ever had happen to you.
  37. Even though I am an old man now, it’s nice to get an old fashion thank you note, thus write a personal note.
  38. If you need to exercise, use the stairs.
  39. Keeping your mouth shut, it will open a lot more doors.  I wish I would of have use a lot of less words in my life.
  40. Buy the best shoes or boots that you can. Cheap shoes just defeat the feet.
  41. Get involve with your parents financials. Stay away from reverse mortgages, and lifetime annuities. My mom’s $200,000.00 lifetime anuitity would  of have made the differnce of my wife’s early retirement.
  42. Don’t waste your time on politicians, they only love us when they need votes. A lot of these ass holes are collecting three or more pensions. How much is my social security increase? $3.00 a month!
  43. Do you really need to spend $5.00 for a box of popcorn? I would rather eat an apple.
  44. Make a one year goal, then a two year goal, then a four year goal, then an eight year goal, a sixteen year goal, if you are lucky enough, a thirty two year goal. If I have had done this, I certainly been able to change the letter L out of the world goal and turned into the word, Gold.
  45. It’s normal to get pissed off, must I say anymore?
  46. Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure can be a learning experience.
  47. Getting even will make you odd in the long run.
  48. Stop  saying “Why me when something goes wrong, and substitute, Why not me.”
  49. The best diet for me was to eat less.
  50. Being a landlord, means being a landlord. Tenants will always find away to take advantage of you. (no cats allowed)
  51. Your family is a corporation, they all have something to contribute.
  52. The least you expect from someone, the more you will gain.
  53. Don’t be afraid of death, it happens for a reason.
  54. Remember you are someone who people can be proud of.
  55. Put a chain from your wallet and pants.
  56. Always have more than one pair of eye glasses. Have you ever sat on your glasses?
  57. You think you can’t afford to go to an ivy league school(Harvard, Yale, or Princeton)? See if they have any course on-line? I wonder if this qualifies to join one of their discussion groups on Linkedin?
  58. Be grateful you have something to be grateful!
  59. Start thinking what you might say on your epitaph. “I just lived my life, how are you living yours”
  60. Life is a game, at the end there are no winers or losers.
  61. You are never too old to say, you are never too old to try something new.
  62. Invest in Digital real-estate(domain names), I own,,,,,,,and a couple more I can’t remember, oh yeah
  63. I want to say thank you to the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Tony Robins. They were there when I really needed help.
  64. If you are going to dream, dream big. At the now age of seventy, I still want to contribute to society.
  65. Always make an effort to kiss someone you love at east once a week. There will be a time when they will become unkissable.
  66. Don’t waste your time on things you can’t change, especially politics.
  67. Have someone to aspire to, Jesus, Moses, Steve Jobs, Dale Carnegie, Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, Thomas Edison, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Muhammad, Warren Buffet, Mother Theresa, Jeff Bezos, Martin Luther King, your parents, or when in doubt,perhaps, just use yourself.
  68. Try new things, even if its Candy Saga.
  69. Go to your shareholders meetings. Four years ago I went to a McDonalds meeting, and confronted the CEO Skinner, that I could not get out of church on time on Sundays, and suggested that they needed an all day breakfast.
  70. Here is my seventieth, even though my blog has a lot of mistakes, I am very proud to be able to say thank you to the world wide internet for giving the opportunity of making my blog, a reality, please feel free to as your ideas to my blog, hopefully we can reach a thousand.

My Right To TimeShare.

A couple of weeks ago,and fortunately before Hurricane Mathew, my wife and I used three timeshare to explore the possibility of retiring in Florida. I am not going to mention any of the names of the places we stayed in, but it was a first for us that we used two different time shares in one week.

We checked in our first time share in Orlando Florida, a magnificent facility with multiple swimming pools. I love this place, but I always dread about being enticed(a$100.00) visa card on going on a timeshare presentation, but it always seem that is only an hour of , our time, TWO Hours, (With my wife.) Wrong, Wrong and did I say Wrong. Our first presentation was a matter of simple math, for close to $20,000,00, we can belong to their exchange and have the fantastic opportunity of trading our one week, beautiful two bedroom time share for two two weeks of their one bedroom. I don’t think so, especially, when I can buy a week on the internet for less than $300.00. I don’t even want to go in detail that I probably buy a pretty  nice timeshare for less than $200.00.  What a surprise look that I received by our sales person when I friendly declined. Well it was a relief to have one presentation down and a $100.00 Visa card in hand for just two hours of time., and whew I did not put myself in hock.

I thought it might be nice if we supplement our Orlando vacation with some ocean, and  I was able to booked a six days stay in Daytona beach, wow an ocean view, and a heaping jackpot, and for just $99.99, you got it another presentation, and less than ninety minutes, we are going to have a premier supper at a fancy, expensive restaurant, and the next day at Epcot, a $50.00 Visa Card, and on the third day, a nice lunch, a little drum roll, our presentation. I don’t want to go in details, but I will sum it up, FIVE Hours on why I should spend a whopping-whopping sum on more timeshare points. Thank God I took my blood pressure medicine, I was subjected to, on the lessons on How to Be a Good Husband for not taking my wife on a Mediterranean Cruise.  I think I am a good husband, and a pretty timesharer, but I think that my wife and I have the right to enjoy our later  years traveling to the warmer cities of the United States. It’s my fault, for taking these presentations, and I always say, I ain’t going to do this again, and I almost did it again. On our final week of vacation, Fort Lauderdale, I put a $20.00 deposit for a third timeshare presentation, to get a free lunch, and a another $100.00 credit card. I started to think, enough is enough, keep the $20.00 deposit, our main purpose for our vacation is to look for properties to retire, and not going more in debt.

After looking back at our two weeks, visiting Orlando, Daytona Beach, Port St Lucie, Naples, Palm Bay, Altamonte Springs, and Fort Lauderdale I think I was very lucky to have a lot of enjoyable time to share many beautiful moments with my wife, photos, and stories that I will cherish for the rest of my life and who knows, maybe I can make one of these timeshare adventures our new, permanent residence.

I guest Will Rogers would not make a good Time Share Salesman!

Donald Trump, Richard J. Daley Must Be Smiling.

As much as Donald Trump has been criticize for his lack of respect for many minorities, and putting down women, he did hit one nail that needs hammering. Today we are seeing the 1960’s riotings happening across the United States as was the happening in Chicago on April 5, 1968-April 7, 1968. Being sparked in part of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. (April 04, 1968), which led to eleven deaths, five hundred arrests. Mister Trump reminded us that we need Law and Order. And Law and Order that then Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley  gave his police the authority “to shoot to kill” any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in their hand. Unfortunately today, many of our police force have been under so much scrutiny of killing many innocent minorities, but the truth remains that so many criminals are killing and victimizing our inner cities.

Mister Trump made reference during his first presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, that since the beginning of the first presidential term (2008) and until now that Chicago has close to four thousand murders on it’s books. There are some say  that we need to help the communities to get involve, and of course hire more Police. However not only do we we need to get the guns off the street, but we need to let the bad guys, the terrorists that we mean business of protecting our citizens and cities. Possessing a gun is a legal right, and we need to protect ourselves, family and property, but to do bodily harm on others without any justification, should give our law enforcements officers “the right to kill”.  It worked in Chicago, unfortunately it hasn’t worked in almost fifty years.

Let’s give this one to Mister Trump and Richard J. Daley

Two Years Today Since Your Passing-Mom

It’s hard to believe that you left me two years today. I miss our daily phone calls, and your tellings of all of your friends is the Breakers. I know I have been bitter about your financial doings. I wished you had confided with me about your decision to invested in a lifetime annuity($200,000.00). Teresita was disappointed that you left your good jewelry to one of your nurse’s friend. Enough is enough, yo are Mom.

Teresita and I are desperately trying to plan for her much needed retirement. Her health is not good, but our love and faith are strong. I am doing my projects, and I feel so bad that I cannot be an income. I know that Jesus is testing me. I can’t stop thinking how my tenant trashed my condo, but I will keep trying. It’s my heart and soul are my main source of strength. I miss dad and I wish we could of been a family. Mort, your second husband had his issues, but you were happy with him. I have to accept the fact that even parents have their own life. As my friend has said, “Not everyone can be your friend.”  I guess even your parents. I want to thank you for our wonderful conversations, and your encouragement of me not wanting to be a photographer. You worked hard selling shoes so I can get started in photography.

Enough is enough, today is your day, two years in heaven, I wish you could tell me what it is like, who have you seen, and how do you spend your days and nights. Will I be surprised if I get there? I am trying to be a good person, so Jesus and Moses will let me in. I hope you can put a good word for me.

I love you, and wish I could have had just one more day to hear your baby Howie stories, and how mischievous I was when I was younger. I should of asked about how you felt over the years, but I guess I took it for granted that we would live forever.

Yes I learned that Today is Forever Mom.

Donald Trump, You Missed America- Vanessa Williams!

I must say that the 2016, presidential candidate has a beautiful wife, Melania Trump, and he has no reason to go astray to pal around with other beauties to say the least, “tickle his fancy”.  However there is one beautiful woman who also posed in “the nude”,

Vanessa Lynn Williams, was born March 18, 1963 in the Bronx New York,she had the honorable distinction of be crowned Miss Syracuse 1983, Miss New York 1983, and reaching her beauty plateau, becoming the firstAro-American- MissAmerica 1984. Unfortunately a few weeks prior to her Miss America rein, she found out that Penthouse would be publishing “unauthorized” pictures in the nude in their next issue. Unfortunately to the world, due to pressure of the Miss America Organization, she resigned and gave p her crown on July 22, 1984. It took thirty-two years after resigning as Miss America, “the current CEO of the Miss America Organization, Sam Haskell offered her a public apology at the beginning of the Miss America 2016 pageant.”

So President Trump,  you who once owned the Miss Universe, who tell Miss Williams? It’s ok to pose in the NOW, I am sorry but times are different now. It was only a crown, a title, one that goes away in one year. How about stepping up to the plate, and have the Miss America Pageant, shoul change their decision!

Maybe you can be also our next Bert Parks?

My God Is Better Than Your God! Omar Mateen!

Being born a son of Abraham, I was not introduced to my other distance relatives until much later in my life, particularly-Muhammd! Growing without computers and particularly Wikipedia, the only way to get concrete information on what was going on,  to go to  either my local or the high school’s library, or start dusting off my Encyclopedia Britannica. It has taken me so seven decades to start questioning my family history.

Many of us were astonished when heard that Omar Mir Mateen was the American mass murderer who killed forty-nine people and wounded fifty-three other in a mass shooting at the Pulse Gay Bar in Orlando, Florida(he himself was also killed in the shootout).  Matinee, claiming to practice the Sunni Islam faith, a denomination of Muhammad’s father-in-law, Abu Bakr, thus Sunni Islam is referred as “Orthodox Islam”., the world’s largest religious denomination.

However to see how both Omar Mateen and my self are related to Abraham, I have to introduce Abraham’s first  son, Ishmael. In Genesis 15, according to the Old Testament, that Abraham’s first wife know as Sarai, was seventy five and childless, she made the marital sacrifice, to offer Egyptian handmaiden Hagar to Abraham, at the age of seventy-six, he had his first son, Ishmael. By the laws of the land, even though Hagar was the birth mother, the child belonged to Abraham and his suggestive wife, Sarah. The first son of Abraham, Ismael, thus believed was the soon to be  the founder of the religion of Islam. unfortunately 2700 undocumented  years, showing no proof, that Muhammad . “Al-Bukhari, the automative book of Muhammad’s Hadith, quotes Muhammad as saying , “I am the most likened son to Abraham.” No matter what, Muhammad was the Father of Islam, the mentor of Omar Mateen, the allower of committing Murder! I am sure that is not the general consensus  of the Islam  faith, but I am frankly Scared that there are people like Mateen, who believe that their God will allow them to Kill.

Still, I have can only pray that that we can stop many of these mass killings, but still I was in a shock when I read what our Commander-in-Chief, Barack Husein Obama commented about the Orlando’s shootings, on my Facebook page,  there is a headline from the BREITBART NEWS, “That Jihad Attack on the Orlando Gay Nightclub Never Happened, Says President Obaba”,  by NEIL MUNRO, July 25, 2016. “Do you remember the June 12 jihad attack by a Muslim that killed 49 Americans in the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida? It was big thing in the media at the time, complete with reports about a cellphone confession by the jihadi, and evidence this immigrant Muslim knew about the p;banned attack.  This is what I can’t believe, Well you imagine it, see because extensively documented jihad attack didn’t happen, President Barack Obama told the world on Sunday.” It was just “a deranged man killing scores of people,”Obama insisted to CBS. No jihad there he says. Huh?

Is our government Hard of Hearing? There is Mateems’s call to 9-1-1 in which he identified himself as a Islamic volunteer of the jihad army run by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic leader of the Islamic State’s Islamic army in Syria,  my concern is that  a religion suppose to make you a better person, with yourself, family, friends and fellow human beings, has that ever entered our president’s mind?

I guess I will always wonder WHY DOES  RELIGION ALLOW YOU TO KILL? I know my belief could Never make me  ever do something so evil, to kill my fellow HUMAN BEINGS! How about your Religion?




Today Everyone In Great Britain Won The Lotto.

Yesterday, the Dow Jones Index went up over two hundred points, and to know surprise it lost six hundred and ten points. If we only knew. Goldman Sachs lost ten points, JP Morgan Chase lost over four points, and IBM lost over eight points. On the plus side gold was up almost sixty dollars an ounce. If we only knew, but as in the Jim Carrey movie, “Bruce Almighty”, everyone won the lotto, if we only knew. but, Great Britainers, and I mean Great Britain, all knew that, even though the vote was close, 51.9% to 48.1%, that they were going to leave the European Union, heads, I don”t, tales I do. If this is an option spread, then what is.

Look at the case of Martha Stewart, was told by a doctor who founded his company ImClone, to sell the $200,000.00 of stock she owned. The government viewed this as inside trading and she was sentenced  to a five month prison, plus five months of home confinement. Here is a woman who as of last year has a net worth close to $300 million dollars, made a personal mistake and had to re- arrange ten months of her life. I think some kind of community service and maybe could of built a hospital in a poor neighborhood, would be more justifiable.  Do you think  the world should put in jail the 17 million Brits that voted for “”Brexit, in jail for inside trading? Last August a Leicester,(professional English football team) had their odds of winning a championship as 5000-1, I guess Brits love their odds, and who wouldn’t. Life is a gamble, or does it have to be?

I know many of you, would say to me, that I could of just take two separate financial positions, and bet on both sides, I probably should of, but I like to take chances on a sure thing, maybe on a world that could of prevented what we saw happening on today’s market.

You know what, I guest this was the day that we were all Losers, for those who made some money, you will look back at this day,  and realize that you were responsible for some horrible times ahead of us, and for those who just want to live good and healthy life, remember today, that we all can make a difference in this world, if we all work together  to  stop the violence and greed in this world. Don’t tell us that your God allows you to murder forty-nine people at a gay night club in Orlando, or to a politician who want to build walls around our country, ban Muslims from entering our country, making the cost of health care only being affordable to the wealthy, lets have a $10,000.00 license fee for owning an assault rifle with a six month waiting period,make the ruthless killing of any of our veterans a felony, and punishable by death. I can go on and on.

However,today, should be a wake up call, that we live in a world that we can all make a difference, and it just more than than to leave an union of other countries! “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain,and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”.

Cecil, Please Take Care Of The Champ.

Two of God’s creatures have really affective me recently, Cecil the Lion, was first wounded with an arrow shot by an American dentist, Walter Palmer, and forty hours later killed in July !st, was killed by Dr. Palmer. Cecil a magnificant  lion,  living in Hwange National Park, the largest game reserve in Zimbabwe, Africa. Public outrage poured in by the hundreds of thousands over the killings of so many defenseless animals. Animal killers, call it “Sport Hunting”. I call it MURDER. Why do so many get their pleasures from killing, or in the life of Muhammad Ali, watching two black men wanting to inflict punishment in their sport hunting , or as in the case of Billy “Kid” Paret, to win the Welter WIEGT- TITLE  in 1960,  only to lose his title seven months later to Emile  Griffith. On March 24,1962 Griffith hit Paret 29 times including 18 punches in six seconds, the referee stopped the fight,  and cruely,  Paret went into a coma and later on died. , in essence another case of “Sport Hunting”.

My obsession with boxing, was never so evident,  growing up with “The Greatest”, Muhammad Ali. He made the 1960’s an unbelievable decade, Kennedy’s assassination, the Viet Nam war, Woodstock, the Beatles, and even sending a Man to the Moon. Ali represented so much to us, not wanting to murder innocent people, the rights of minorities, being a great athlete, and of course, the right to be out spoken. He certainly was all of that, sentence to prison for five years, stood up for the Civil Rights Movement in 1960, three time Heavyweight Champion of the World, and most of all, I believe that he showed us that it is nothing to be ashamed about being “Black”.

On June 3, 2016, Ali lost his greatest fight with Parkinson, and entered his new arena, Heaven, The Land of Butterflies, and with a very courageous, King, Cecil the LION, new job is to protect “The Champ”, Moses, Muhammad, and Jesus.

As I listened to all of the eulogies said at Muhammad Ali’s funeral, the one that stood ou to me, was given by Rabbi Joe Rapport, the Rabbi of Congregation Adath Israel-Brit-Shalom- in Louisville, Ky. remarked about “The Champ”,  “I am not the  fighter that Ali was, and I may not have the courage he never lacked, and I am not as pretty, but in in my heart and in my hope and in my prayers, “I am Ali.”

Thank you Rabbi Rapport, but I feel not only we can be Ali, we can also protect and love everyone in our world, by not hunting  for sport, and  to make our world, Ali’s arena, and , Cecil’s kingdom, a much needed real Heaven,  where we can finally know what the Sixth Commandment means, Thou shalt not kill!

Sanders And Clinton Clinch The Presidency?

At almost having lived on planet Earth for seven decades, I have never been much to care about politics. Being from Illinois, almost all of our elections have been Democratic, however the next election could pretty much determine my longevity. The big issue for much of us retirees have been the cost of HealthCare. Obamacare tried to address this issue, but I am afraid to say that because of freeing the pre-existing conditions it has only lead to higher premiums and deductibles. I need to ask how are Bernie and Hillary going to help my older generation? Please eliminate the two year wait period for collecting their disability(social security)?  The sooner disabled people are able to retire and be able to get cheaper health insurance, the more money health care providers will be able to save. Perhaps they might even want to have nursing home is the Philippines, where the costs per month will be about $500.00 versus the average cost of today’s $6000.00 a month that the elderly and the government are paying.

President Sanders is focusing on lower costs for going to college, lets have more affordable internet college cost, and more accessibility. As I mentioned before we also need more involvement with our corporations to get involve with their local high schools, lets have a Microsoft High, and an Intel High School. I feel that both Hillary and Bernie are more FOCUSED on our main problems in this country, rather than building walls and banning Moslems.(Our first amendment of the United States.)

I commend Donald Trump for securing the Republican nomination, but I do not feel he is the role model for our future generation. I do not want to go in specifics, I will let his actions speak for themselves. Right now, I am scared if I am going to keep my house, at the same time be able to get affordable health care.

Sorry if I am pissing off many of my Trump friends, but they are not going to pay my mortgage and medical bills! So with enough said, I hope to congratulate President Bernie Sanders, and Vice-President Hillary Clinton(Our new president-2020.)

For Mr. Trump he will get to know  how it feels when the American people say, “You Are Fired.”