Come On 60 Minutes, A Viagra and A CIALIS Commercial After The Pope’s Choir?

It was a typical Sunday for both me and my wife, Teresita. Ww had an early breakfast so we head over to our Holy Trinity in Westmont, Illinois for our choir practice before the nine o’clock mass. Our choir is very small to say the least, maybe we had twelve members to day, and most of us carry an AARP membership card in our wallet. We are dedicated to our lord Jesus Christ, and all what matters. The are more empty seats than singers, maybe this posting might attract some new members, well anyway it’s Super Bowl Sunday, a day we can put Donald Trump to rest for one day and route for our favorite team, or even better win a big Super Bowl Pool, no matter what most of us with the big game for the half time show and the commercials. A Big Yeah to the New England Patriots!

As I reached for the TV remote, I accidentally went to my local CBS station,  60 minutes, and for some strange coincidence they were broadcasting a segment on the Sistine’s Choir, better known as “The Pope’s Choir”, wow here we have one of the oldest choir in existence, consisting of twenty male adults (ten tenors, and ten bases) and thirty male youngster( tensors and sopranos), I was startled by their sound, as one person stated, all they were missing were their wings(angels), it was like Jesus telling that with a little more practice, hopefully if I get to Heaven, I might be able to sound like one of their bases.

Their sound and devotion are incredible., however I could not believe what was entering on my screen, a Viagra commercial, was this for real, or was this a joke, I almost wanted to call the TV station for showing such poor taste, if this was not to add injury to my Super Bowl Sunday, up came a CIALIS commercial. This certainly have been such a challenging month with  our new president wanting to build a wall around Mexico and ban seven Muslim countries from entering the United States, but  what I witnessed to day, certainly goes to the top of my list of being distasteful.