Congratulations For The Dow Jones 25,075.13, But?

I never thought the Dow Jones average ever reaching 20,000 yet alone 25,000. I do have to say that this time Predident Trump certainly has pressed my kind o button, and at my age, seventy-one its a welcome relief for a senior who has not made a pay check  in a very long time, hopefully it does not crash.

It seems too good to be true that maybe there will be some financial hope for me and my wife can live out our lives with the basics of life’s essentials, still being able to keep our home, affordable health care, and still be able to recieve the social security, and my investments in the stock market stays at a decent level. Every day I keep seeing on our social media cites, as Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter a continuous bashing of Donald Trump, and its starting to me me worry. Is this “The Calm Before The Storm”, or maybe things will work out, as I ever hope it could be.

I wish someone could finally ask our president and his congress what can we really expect in the Trump’s legacy. Right now, I just seeinng a  Hell of a lot of praying and paying,