PRESIDENT TRUMP, I can see your concern about bational security, but I think spending eighteen billion dollars that could actuall be put to better use, might be the solution of stopping such imigartions from Mexico into the United States, and help reduce the huge costs of health care in the the United States. Why can we not build hospitals and nurtsing homes in Mexico to gelp allieviate the financial burden that so many American families have to face. For most of our senior citizens who had to liquidate their investment accounts because of their Required Minimum Distributions the year after they turned the age of 70 qnd 1/2, and trying to make ends neat it seems that for a population who worked so hard to attain the American dream that their remaining years has turned into a night mare.
Just think of all the jobs that could be created in Mexico, and of course the billions of dollars the United States would save on Medicaid and Medicare payments, it’s a Win-Win solution for the both of us. There certainly be fewer Mexicans wanting to sneak in the United States, and who knows this might finally lead to having affordable health care in America, God Forbid, who wants to live in a country with healthy people for a change?