I Guess We Have Another Bush In The White House?

I am just going to keep it short tonight, not really feeling good, a friend mine or I should say two photographer friends referenced today on their the passing of their son last year, a great looking kid, not a kid but I believe in his mid twenties died last year, I can’t tell you what really happened, but it had to do with pain killers and a dependency on pain killers, so what does this have to with President Trump and Bush, well if our government would concentrate on the problems we have in America, and let the Arab world take care of the likes of Syria, perhaps there would be less grief for families, and the one who I was saddened for. I know God gave up his son Jesus for us, but why do we have to suffer so much?

To be honest with you, I have never been a big fan of killing people, I especially remembering crying watching the automobile racing at Chicago’s old Soldier’s Field. I know that there a lot of TV fans of the many NCIS series, but I don’ and want to watch it. I know War is necessary for a country like the Unites States to protect it’s citizens, and especially with all the recent terrorist attacks in the last five years, but I wish it would stop. I feel sorry for all those killed in Syria by chemical weapons, but I think any time we attack people outside the United States, that it should be a decision by our Congress, the same people who can’t give us affordable health care, the ones that stopped the meals on wheels program for our senior citizens, the same people who don’t care what it cost to make sure that our president has the proper security to spend his week ends on his golf course, and oh yeah to confirm a Supreme Court Justice  who thought it was right for an employer was right to fire their truck driver because he unhitched his truck to get shelter from the freezing cold.

Who said “We The People”? There isn’t we the people, it’s what ever the power of being that we have now. Make your own laws, talk who ever you want to, it’s your country, and it use to be our country.