In Plane English United Airlines, You Failed America.

All day, I could not get it out of my mind what happened to the defenseless passenger that was dragged of United Airlines flight going to Kentucky. Not only was the passenger roughed by the police, but I beth there we many passengers who probably starting to have panic attacks. I kept thinking of the recent police brutal;it across America, and also the insensitivity of our present administration about letting Muslims entering the United States, but as I searched on Twitter today, you would think that President Trump could at least step up to the plate, and in “Plane” English say something about what happened, or perhaps being an owner of his own airlines, that it was justifiable, United Airlines makes the rules, and they can use brute force to remove a passenger off their plane, whether he is a doctor or a ninety year old grand parent, “tough shit”, we need your seat and that’s it. No apology from the CEO can get rid of the Black Eye that it inflicted not only for Chicago, but to our country that President wants to be great a again.

What United Airlines, show;d never-ever happen again, they are a multi-billion dollar corporation, that certainly could of used either one of it’s private jet, or an affiliation to accommodate their over booked flight. On the other side, I would be pissed off if I had to find another flight, I certainly would not risk the physical well being, and find myself injured so badly, that I might had received a brain injury or a broken leg.

Whatever the case is, I think that many people are just pissed off with the leadership that is running the country, they are sick of hearing about walls, no solution for affordable health care and education, and now, it’s my way or the skyway when you fly United Airlines, in any case you showed us that it’s no longer what was once a Chicago Jewel, and of course there are no longer any more “Friendly Skies”.