“And The Only Way To Do Great Work Is To Love What You Do”-Steve Jobs

Turning seventy years old last October, really hit me hard, I soon realize that in the next ten years or sooner I will be dead, and if I am lucky to live a little bit longer, I probably have dementia, bed ridden, and be blind, pretty scary stuff, but in the last five years when I was thrown out of the work force, I started my journey of discovering what life can really offer me.

I found myself wanting to promote a photographer who built a thirty five foot camera that incorporates a six foot film negative, his mission was to capture the disappearing cultures of the United States, it was great to be on his team, and I am still trying to get the word out, and in a new direction, to focus on the missions of our largest corporations, I was very fortunate to be featured on Jeff Weiner’s Linkedin blog, and was found another photographer that had a great photographers portfolio site, I am still hoping that it can still get back on track, I reached out to a high school buddy and promoting his animal companion wellness center, I am a supporter of our Native Americans, and grateful that we had the Navajo Code Talkers that helped America defeat the Japanese in World War II, I recently made contact with a former TV star in the 1960’s and trying  to promote his projects.

However my greatest endeavor, that has given me answer of what my journey is suppose to lead me too, is that of reaching out to an Apple Computer Company founder of only twelve days, and yet he did own ten per cent of the company, he did what he felt was right, computers, and it’s future was not right for him, but still he taught me that money is not the reason that you live your life, sure it makes life go smoother, but at the end of the day you go to sleep like everyone else and have to wake up and start the process over again.

I suddenly realize that my former Apple Founder friend, Ronald G. Wayne showed me that what we know today as the Apple Corporation, has many founders, sure Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were the original founders, but all those people who influence our two Apple founders, helped make Apple, America’s largest corporation, Steve Jobs adoptive parents, his Syrian father, his biological American mother, Steve Wozniak’s parents, the tens of thousands of Homestead High School fellow graduates, Steve Job’s traveling friend, Daniel Kottke, their families, girl friends, teachers, former employees, bitter enemies, their successes, and of course their failures, has been the foundation for Mr. Wayne’s desire to develop an “Apple Founders Museum”  concept. I worked hard collecting high school year books, magazines, autographs and may more artifacts that can emphasize that here are many Apple legacies  that has been hidden, the importance of having that one high school teacher or high school club that can motivate you to find one’s calling, your attitudes, friends, and enemies are your building blocks, your family love is what really counts, and especially that even if you make the wrong decision, it really does not really matter.

I want to thank Steve Jobs, for giving a graduation speech at Stanford University on June 12, 2005, even though he never graduated from college, he has inspired me to find my mission, and I have been very fortunate to share my www.howiemaui.com blog with you, and when the times comes that I blew out my last breath, that my words, ideas and many frustrations will be forever stilled on what we call the internet, our “Whole Earth Catalog”.

——————————“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”———————–

What Would John F. Kennedy Have To Say To Martin Luther King Jr. Today About Donald J. Trump?

First of all I would only think that JFK would apologize to MLK about being gunned down some forty nine years to the day in Memphis, Tennessee, (sorry Elvis), and also  would also be embarrassed that his predecessor, DJT, thought it was more important to “Dance Like An Egyptian” than to show his respects  at the MLK memorial, maybe next year for sure, it will be the fifthieth anniversary, but who said that DJT was ever a history buff.

I grew up in the 1960’s, JFK was my Camelot, and MLK was speaking agains the Viet Nam War, I just took it for granted, that every thing the United States was doing, was Right, bull shit, we were killing innocent people, including our young service men, on the behalf, of our war on Communism, pure Russian Bull Shit, the war was with Russia and China, hell we couldn’t let them take Viet Nam as their country.

We always where at odds with Russia, who would be the first to fly a man to the Moon, and now we have Elon Musk wanting to send a man to Mars, we knocked down the Berlin Wall, and we have DJT wanting to build a wall around Mexico.

JFK, did take the US economy out of recession and inflation remained at 1%, he established the Peace Corps, a program through which American Volunteers would help underdeveloped nations areas as education, farming, health, care, and construction. Did I just say health care, this something that both JFK and MLK would have definitely scolded POTUS 45 about, hell and a complete turn around about what we are doing to Muslims, but over all it’s pretty shameful to say the least.

MLK, a Baptist Minister used his Christen upbringing, that protesting does not have to and should not be violent, see our present political rallies, he must of holding his head in much disbelief, his greatest accomplishment was helping to pass the Civil Rights Act, which made it a crime to discriminate against race, color sex or national origin, something DJT does not understand.

I think that JFK and MLK, would tell President Trump and the American people, that the purpose of life, is to try to give the country the best possible life you can, even if it’s means that our lives were taken from us, “Free At Last”!






I Wish I Was Popular On Twitter, 711 Followers.

Maybe you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, what I have been hearing through out my seventy year old life, but still I think that being an only child that I relish  the fact, that it is possible for an old goat like me to have a million followers, fat chance , I must be dreaming, I only have 711 followers, and yet I am following over 2500 Twitter accounts, and I have been trying hard every day, I have over 6800 tweets, and I need some help to play the Twiiter game.

I see so many offers, that I can buy Twitter followers, I don’t know if that is Kosher, and at my age, my income ain’t what it use to be, with the $3.00 monthly increase the government gave me on my Social Security, it’s not very much to even to buy a Chicago hot dog(no ketchup), but I can’t understand what I am doing wrong.

Maybe I should get rid of atlas half of my 2500 followings, I will have to keep Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, I wish Twitter had a delete button, just tell them the number you want to delete, and it’s done. I am not going to give up, but if there is anyone who can help me, please let me know.


Technology Could of Saved Terence Crutcher’s Life.

Watching “60 Minutes” tonight with my wife, I felt so sorry about seeing Terence Crutcher, an Afro-American being shot(killed) by Tulsa officer, Betty Shelby. Ms. Shelby claims it was self-defense, that Crutcher did not obey her command of stepping away from his automobile, and raise his hands, she thought he was going to reach for a weapon, and perhaps shoot her, she was just doing her job, but this time, she was protecting herself. Even though for the past couple of years we have had numerous deadly shootings by white cops killing Blacks, and this would of not happened if victims were White, whatever, do our law and enforcement officers have to kill?

I guess it’s so easy for me to say this, I would probably fainted and got shot myself, I never fired a gun or used a taser, so who is right, and who is wrong in this situation? In Officer Shelby’s case, she acted in a pure panic, maybe not, did Mr. Crutcher acted correctly, no, he was killed, could this have been prevented, YES?

This incident, and the more to come killings could of been prevented,  if we could use some of our building the Mexican Wall budget, and the defense budget on giving our police, the proper protective gear that they need, to stop people who point guns, or don’t listen to our law enforcers when it comes to raising their hands up in the air and dropping their gums, our cops need body suits, and ear deafening speaking devices that will completely protect them when they nay face a life taken altercation, let’s say a bullet proof body suit equip with a possible 150db speaker, in essence a human encased robot. Criminals, I think would think twice before they seek an altercation.

You are probably asking me, what would happen if the criminals also have the same kind of body suits?  Good question, give  e some time to answer this, maybe “60 Minutes” might run a future episode? For now former officer Shelby faces at least a four year to perhaps a twenty five sentence for a unjustified murder, and we can only offer our prayers to Terence Crutcher’s family,

Happy Forty First Birthday To The Apple Computer Company.

Even though this April Fool’s day, it was forty one years ago ago that two guys withe the first name Steve, started the Apple Computer Company, however for me it had me to to find an older brother, Ronald G. Wayne, who was also an Apple founder for just twelve days, but it was the two years before he was asked to be a co-founder, that many of you never knew about his great attributes to Steve Jobs, I will tell you that three years ago I was searching inside of me, why can’t have the confidence to make the right financial investments in my life, time after time, I just couldn’t pull the trigger,

to be continued

Children Don’t Belong In The White House.

When we vote for our new president of the United States, there should be no surprises like in the case of President Trump that he will have his son-in-law, and daughter be two of his trusted advisors. This should wave a red flag, that we need more than a Scout leader to govern the greatest nation on the planet. The white house is no place for Ivan’s and Jared to earn their presidential merit badges. I am not going into Kushner’s family history, or his orthodox jewish beliefs, I just feel that an advisor to the President of the United States perhaps might  have to have Eagle Scout qualifications, merit badges in Community, Nation and the World.

I was very impressed that President Trump had a visit from Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State to President George W. Bush, here academic qualifications run circles around the White House children, B.A. in Political Science from the University of Denver, Masters in Political Science from the University of Notre Dame, and a P.H.D. from the Josef Corbel School of International Studies from the University of Denver.

She would be perfect for President Trump as a political advisor, she was one of two women to be granted membership in the Augusta National Golf Club(Home of The Masters). I have nothing agains having children working in the family business, however the United States of America is not a business, it’s a nation, ”In order to form a more perfect union, establish justice,, impose domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessing of Liberties to ourselves and our Posterity.”

Let’s encourage President Trump, to utilized the best qualified people to make America even greater?